Lesley Livingston

lesley livingston

Lesley Livingston is a little known young adult fantasy romance author based in Toronto. She makes our top picks for fantasy romance authors for her Wondrous Strange series.

I stumbled across Lesley by chance and was quite stunned at how much I truly enjoyed her work. Though I wasn't used to reading fiction books about fairies, these were surprisingly well written and I loved them.

Her books have lots of suspense, decent action and the sweet, innocent type of romance that you don't see too often in this day and age.

Lesley has a master's degree in English from the University of Toronto, where she specialized in Arthurian literature and Shakespeare.

She is a principal performer and founding member of the Tempest Theatre Group. Wondrous Strange is her first novel.

According to Lesley, her love of mythology, folklore, past civilizations and legendary heroes led to her writing career.

She loves horses, traveling, and reading... just a few among her many hobbies.

And believe it or not she's also trained in several styles of sword play and stage combat.

I stumbled onto Ms. Livingston while perusing the shelves of the local Barnes and Noble store for something to read. When I sat down to read her first book, Wondrous Strange I had no idea what I was in for. I read it cover to cover!

I admit that I was disappointed when I finished, but only because I didn't know it was part of a series. I thought it was a standalone story and that it ended with too many unresolved issues.

I thoroughly enjoyed the story and look forward to many more from this author. I recommend Lesley's books to anyone who likes a sweet teenage romance stories with lots of drama and action.

Lesley Livingston Books You Should Read

Wondrous Strange

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| | Lesley Livingston

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