The very first book I ever read by Jeaniene Frost hooked me. I've read most of her Night Huntress and Night Huntress World books and love them all.
Her characters are interesting and funny and keep you invested in the story. The story flows nicely, but you get to really enjoy the personalities of all her characters as you make your way through the book.
In addition to a touch of humor, there is a bit of romance between her characters, but not enough that a man who can appreciate a good book wouldn't mind. Aaron listened to her books on audio right along with me and enjoys them just as much as I do.
There is plenty of action in each book, building upon the last with another intriguing piece of the series that will keep Frost on your list of favorites if you enjoy urban fantasy of any kind.
Up from the Grave is the final book in the Cat and Bones series, Night Huntress. This is the series that got me hooked on Jeaniene's books. It's an absolute MUST READ!!!
Jeaniene and a ton of other fantastic authors will be at Apollycon on February 27th, 2016 in Savannah GA. Visit the Apollycon website for details
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